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Research Interests

Subjective well-being, mental health and well-being in academia, cyberpsychology, the impact of social media on the individual and society, social comparison behaviour, personality (RST/Big 5), impacts of technology use, individual differences in video games & smartphone use.

Research Profiles
Journal Publications

Trifiro, B. M., & Gerson, J. (2019). Social Media Usage Patterns : Research Note Regarding the Lack of Universal Validated Measures for Active and Passive Use.

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Gerson, J., Plagnol, A. C., & Corr, P. J. (2017). Dimensionality of the Iowa-Netherlands Comparison Orientation Measure and its relationship to Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory. Journal of Individual Differences, 38(4), 256–264.

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Gerson, J., Plagnol, A. C., & Corr, P. J. (2017). Passive and Active Facebook Use Measure (PAUM): Validation and relationship to the Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory. Journal of Personality and Individual Differences, 117, 81-90.

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Gerson, J., Plagnol, A. C., & Corr, P. J. (2016). Subjective well-being and social media use: Do personality traits moderate the impact of social comparison on Facebook? Computers in Human Behavior, 63, 1–43.

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Work in Progress

Gerson, J., Gracia, L., Riva, E., Powdthavee, N., Do well-being programmes at universities improve the well-being and mental health of postgraduate research students? Completed manuscript.


Drouvelis, M., Gerson, J., Powdthavee, N., Riyanto, E. Catfish in a Golden Ball: An Experiment on Misrepresentation and Cooperation. In progress. 


Gerson, J. & Plagnol, A. C., Does grit moderate the relationship between undergraduate student stress and subjective well-being? In progress. In progress.


Gerson, J. & Plagnol, A. C. Facebook engagement styles, social comparison, and subjective well-being: Are passive users more likely to compare online? In progress. In progress.


Gerson, J., Gracia, L., Riva, E. Subjective well-being in academia: Supervision style, knowledge and stress on well-being in higher education lecturers. In progress. 


Gerson, J. Social connectedness and social comparison on Instagram: The impact of parasocial relationships on subjective well-being.

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